Anita GlestaDialogue
Anita Glesta
Australia (1958)
Dialogue, 2001
marble and travertine
Dialogue is one of the Park’s “interactive” sculptures. It consists of two distinct parts divided by a small canyon; each of these reclining sculptures (or “platforms”) can be reached by a short, steep descent. Lying on one of the seats, the visitor finds himself in an unusual position in which he can comfortably stop and contemplate the nature of the Park.
The materials used for the platforms, marble and travertine, are typical of the Sienese area from which they were extracted and also refer to the long tradition of Tuscan art and architecture: where the strips of white and green marble of the second platform represent a direct reference to the Cathedral of Siena. With his marble statues and fountains installed in public spaces, moreover, Glesta looks at his work as part of the sculptural tradition of public art of Western civilization.
Although he uses traditional sculptural materials, Dialogue is a scrupulously contemporary work: it is interactive, not monumental, anchored to the ground as an isolated, serene and inviting presence.

Anita Glesta
Australia (1958)
Anita Glesta was born in New York City, USA in January 1958. Her early life and later her work were profoundly influenced by the explosive events of the 1960s and 1970s.
Her father was drafted into the Vietnam War in the 1960s, and she moved to San Sebastian, Spain, as an adolescent remaining during the upheavals of General Franco’s death and the Basque separatist struggles (1972-76). In 1994 she moved to Sydney, Australia.
As an artist in the public realm Anita Glesta has worked on several large-scale international projects, from installations to sculpture, from works on paper to video art. Among these projects is the three-acre “Yurong Water Gardens of Cook and Phillip Park” downtown Sydney, completed in 2000 and created in collaboration with a team of landscape architects.
Anita Glesta’s work has been exhibited throughout the world. It includes for instance a permanent outdoor integrated landscape sculpture for the Federal Census Bureau Building in Washington DC, works for two botanic gardens in Sydney and her Multi channel Gernika/Guernica work shown in 2007 as a two-part installation at New York and Manhattan. In 2009 Glesta was commissioned to do a multi-channel installation for the Copenhagen 15 Summit.
She has been a recipient of numerous awards, grants, and fellowships including Pollock/ Krasner, New York foundation for the Arts, New York State Council of the Arts and Australia Council. Presently she lives and works in the USA. The interconnection between nature and the human body is a constant reference in his work.
By paved road from Siena, take the SP408 to Ponte a Bozzone. Turn left at the church and follow the signs for Pievasciata / Sculpture Park. We are about 15 km from Siena.
The walk round the Park is about 1,5 km and it is suitable for baby buggies and wheelchair users. Upon request we offer a tour of the Park in an electric buggy for those with mobility issues. Contact us for further information.
Winter Opening Hours
Until 26th October 2024 ( open all week)
Monday – Friday 10.00-17.00
Saturday & Sunday 10.00-18.0027th October -10th November open all week)
Monday – Sunday 10.00-16.0011th November- 2nd March 2025 excluding Christmas /New Year period
Monday,Wednesday & Friday 10.00-14.00
Saturday & Sunday 10.00-16.00
Tuesday & Thursday closedChristmas/New Year opening 23rd December-6th January 2025
From 23rd December -6th January
10.00-16.00Closed 25th & 26th December
Tickets: €10 adults | € 5 reduced – under 18 yrs | Free 0-4 yrs
Booking is not necessary. The Chianti Sculpture Park APP – available for free on Apple Store and Google Play Store – is an excellent audio guide!
Groups of more than 12 people are asked to book entry in advance, to facilitate organisation.
Guided tours are available in Italian and English upon reservation.
The visit to the Park lasts an hour and a half on average and it is absolutely suitable for children! Our four-legged friends are welcome providing they are kept on a lead and any ‘deposits’ are removed! The park does not have a restaurant, but we will be happy to recommend some restaurants that can be reached by car in a few minutes. A picnic area is available.

Strada provinciale 9, 48
53019 Pievasciata - Castelnuovo Berardenga (Si)
P.I. 01574260525 C.F. BZZCHR89R50I726M
Phone: +39 0577 357151 E-mail:
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